Calle Húmera 37
28023 Madrid, SPAIN
Blanca Lleó
Arquitecta española nacida en Madrid. Doctora arquitecta por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de su ciudad natal, fue Discípula de Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza y de Rafael Moneo, siendo actualmente profesora de la ETSAM dónde imparte clases desde 1990. Ha sido profesora Investigadora en Princeton Architectural School (1997) y Profesora Visitante en Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (2000) y de la CEE Escuela de arquitectura y Cranbrook Academy of Art (2002). En 1985 fundó su propio despacho profesional. Sus trabajos más importantes son, el autobús-biblioteca Bibliobús (1986), el Centro Penitenciario de Jaén (1991), el Complejo Turístico Tabaiba II en Lanzarote (1994), el edificio Celosía en Madrid (2004), el edificio Mirador de Sanchinarro en Madrid (2005), éstos dos últimos junto al estudio MVRDV y las 97 Viviendas, apartamentos para jóvenes en la Zona Franca de Barcelona (2007).
+31 (0)104772860
Dunantstraat 10
3024 BC Rotterdam, NEDERLANDS
Post Box 63136
3002 JC Rotterdam, NEDERLANDS
MVRDV was founded in 1993 by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The practice engages globally in providing solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues. A highly collaborative, research-based design method involves clients, stakeholders and experts from a wide range of fields from early on in the creative process. The results are exemplary, outspoken projects, which enable our cities and landscapes to develop towards a better future. The products of MVRDV’s unique approach to design vary, ranging from buildings of all types and sizes, to urban plans and visions, numerous publications, installations and exhibitions. Built projects include the Netherlands Pavilion for the World EXPO 2000 in Hannover; ‘Flight Forum’, an innovative business park in Eindhoven; the Silodam Housing complex in Amsterdam; the Matsudai Cultural Centre in Japan; the Unterföhring office campus near Munich; the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam; the Ypenburg housing and urban plan in The Hague; the Didden Village rooftop housing extension in Rotterdam; the music centre De Effenaar in Eindhoven; the Gyre boutique shopping center in Tokyo; a public library in Spijkenisse; an international bank headquarters in Oslo, Norway; and the iconic Mirador and Celosia housing in Madrid.
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