Ramón Durántez Fernández (Madrid, 1974) is architect graduated in Architecture in the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, ETSAM in year 2002. He has mainly established a practice as independent or associated office (Na arquitectos) in Spain and France, but also colaborated as consultant for other enterprises of architecture, urbanism ane engenieering (RLH,Urbanites), having designed and built or developed urban plans in France, Switzerland and Spain.
He leads his office from Madrid (Ramon Durantez Arch.) , working mainly in renovation of public and private spaces and building. The office is able to work efficiently in any of this three countries with teams adapted to the scale and nationality of the proyect.
He has been awarded in buildings and competitions in his consultant practice and in his independent practice, highliting in the latter :
Special Jury prize : Built housing Unit in the region PACA , prize SACA-ARCHICOTE. France 2022
Second Prize : Dwelling competition for EMV. VPO Vallecas Ensanche 16. COAM –EMV. Madrid, Spain, 2003
Ramón Durántez developes parallely a research activity, focused in experimental architecture and urbanism in the third quarter of the twentieth century, whose results have been published and exposed in diferent congresses and workshops.
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