Nodo 17 Group

shoulder veils

+34 914458531
C/ Espronceda 19, Esc Izq, Bajo A
28003, Madrid, SPAIN

Manuel Pérez Romero
Jaime Tarazona Lizarraga

nodo17 group is a Madrid based office of architects, urban designers and ecologists operating within the fields of urbanism, landscape, architecture, engineering and ecology. We define our approach as evolutionary urban design by which we understand the design of self-organized environments through technological relationship between nature and society. We have applied these strategies to design in projects in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain, Sudan and Canada.
nodo17 group was founded in 2001 by Manuel Pérez Romero who has been the director since then.
In 2013 Jaime Tarazona Lizarraga became its first partner. nodo17 has received more than 15 awards in national and international architecture design competitions and their work has been published in more than 100 magazines and books. Recently, the Korean editorial Damdi Publishing Co. has published a monographic book about nodo17 work.
nodo17 has a R&D+i department for the research of new construction systems and processes, for which nodo17 has already three registered patents. Recently nodo17 has founded the company HDa (High Definition Architecture) based on 3D printers technology. HDa fabricates, design and construct its own products.


Proyectos de Nodo 17 Group en imagensubliminal