Architectural Photography + Film
MADRID Tel: +34 667 093 760 / +34 619088010
NEW YORK CITY Tel: +1 (646) 549 6512
"Imagen Subliminal Architectural Photography + Film was founded by architect and architectural photographer Miguel de Guzmán. The firm, comprised of Miguel de Guzman and Rocío Romero, is a New York and Madrid-based practice whose work is commissioned by many internationally renowned architecture, construction, and real estate firms. Imagen Subliminal’s photographs have been published worldwide in print magazines such as Architect, Dwell, El Croquis, Arquitectura Viva, A+U Japan, Domus, Casabella, Mark, C3, and many other books and newspapers. The practice also collaborates with online media as Archdaily, Dezeen, Designboom, and Divisare.
“Hoy, entre todos, hacemos una arquitectura cambiante, atmosférica, en la que la acción, la experiencia y el tiempo son tan o más importantes que la propia materia. Gracias a Miguel de Guzmán podemos verlo y compartirlo, podemos hacer que esta construcción cultural crezca. Tú construyes una atmósfera, Miguel nos la muestra a todos; yo lo veo, pienso, y actúo, construyo algo que no se ve, sólo se vive, pero Miguel consigue que todos lo vivamos. Latour y Yaneva dijeron: “Give me a gun and I will make buildings move”, preguntándose qué cámara o qué ojo podría hacernos entender qué es un edificio más allá de su propia materia. Ahora lo sabemos: Atención a Miguel de Guzmán, va armado.”
Carlos Arroyo, Arquitecto. (de Archdaily Día Mundial de la Fotografía)
“Sus imágenes fijas o en movimiento (uno de los aspectos singulares de su trabajo), nos permiten ver el trabajo del arquitecto y además nos permiten imaginar o ver nuevas realidades a veces ni siquiera soñadas por el arquitecto. Lo mejor de estas visiones es que Guzmán las convierte en parte del discurso del arquitecto, al contrario de lo que hacen otros fotógrafos que aprovechando los encargos realizan experimentos para desarrollar otras facetas en su forma de expresarse con la imagen. Miguel de Guzmán sueña nuevas historias y es esto lo que en gran medida buscan sus clientes, la narración de la arquitectura con personas. Ese aspecto ontológico en la creación de un lugar me parece fundamental.”
Juan José Barba, Arquitecto (de Metalocus 10 Fotógrafos españoles de Arquitectura)
Architectural Photography+Film
NEW YORK CITY Tel: +1 (646) 549 6512
MADRID Tel: +34 667 093 760
“Today, together, we make a moody, atmospheric architecture in which the action, experience and time are just as or if not more important than the subject itself. Thanks to Miguel de Guzmán we can see it and share it, we can make this cultural construction grow. You build an atmosphere, Miguel shows it to everyone; I see, think, and act, I build something that can’t be seen, only lived, but Miguel gets everyone to live it.
Albena Yaneva and Bruno Latour and said, “Give me a gun and I will make buildings move”, wondering what camera or what eye could make us understand a building beyond its own materials. Now we know: Caution, Miguel de Guzmán is armed.”
Carlos Arroyo, Architect. (From Archdaily World Photo Day)
“The best thing about these visions is that Guzmán becomes part of the architect’s discourse, in contrast to other photographers who are take advantage of commissions experiment and develop other aspects in their way of expressing through image. Miguel de Guzmán dreams new stories and this is largely what his customers are looking for, the account of architecture with people. I believe this ontological aspect of creating a place is fundamental.
His images turn into memory because they let the viewers get involved in the visions and see architecture spaces as places, spaces where individuals interact with other individuals or with the space itself. He manages to introduce time, movement and memory in the images he offers us. He makes us think of something which I’ve said many times, that the places are more important than the spaces.”
Juan Jose Barba, Architect. (From Metalocus 10 Fundamental Photographers)
Architect and Architectural Photographer. His work is commisioned by most important spanish Architecture Offices. Since 2008 Imagen Subliminalis the broadcast platform for the work of Miguel de Guzmán as architectural photographer and videographer.
His photographic work is published in books and magazines as Architect magazine USA, Dwell, Domus Italiy, A+U Japan, Bauwelt Germany, C3 Corea, Geo, a+ Netherlands, Arquitectura Viva,el Croquis, A+T, Arquitectos COAM, Pasajes, Diarios el Pais, ABC, el Mundo…). Also collaborates with online media as,,…
He has been a professor in the Graphic Ideation Department at CEU Architecture School, Photography Department of Istituto Europeo di Design in Madrid, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, Kent State University Florence, Architectural Association Summer School London.
As an Architect, he has been awarded with the Dionisio Hernadez Gil Prize for the Diocesan Priest House in Plasencia (work done together with Andres Jaque and Enrique Krahe), and was selected for the 2005 Spanish Architecture Bienal.
As a Photographer he has been finalist in ABC Journal Art Awards 2000, El Mundo Photography awards 2001. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions (Circuitos de Arte Joven, Galeria Vírgenes, Photo España…) and his films has been shown at MAXXI Museum Rome, Centre Pompidou Paris,Santiago de Chile Architecture Film Festival, Budapest Architecture Film Festival, New York city Architecture Film Festival, Seoul Architecture Film Festival.
The book “Miguel de Guzmán Architectural Photography“ contains a selection of photographs taken between the years 2003 and 2013, and which give example of a new way in the making of architectural photography. Trama editorial (2013) Text by Andrés Jaque and Iván López Munuera Bilingual edition: spanish and english.
ARCHDAILY: 13 photographers to follow Now
ARCHDAILY: Miguel de Guzman by Carlos Arroyo
METALOCUS: Miguel de Guzman. 10 Fundamental Photographers
Miguel de Guzman at ARCHDAILY
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