
“Victor and Raquel needed their new house to become a broad and flexible home where light and fluid space would play the leading role”

In the integral renovation of this house located in Madrid, two main strategies have been combined to generate a fluid and flexible space: the creation of a central server core and the separation of the house in two spaces, one public and other prívate
The central server core enhances the free circulation between the main spaces of the house and contains the kitchen, storage modules and a black toilet that is located in arder to leave the main down pipe of the house hidden inside the box.
Placing this toilet inside the core allow us to divide the functions of the bathroom into two spaces: black toilet (toilet and basin) and gray bathroom (shower and basin), the latter located on the outside of the box, between the two bedrooms.
This central box is the only element of the house built in water­varnished birch plywood, whose warmth contrasts with the material used on the entire floor of the public sphere: white and green marble polished terrazzo, a popular material but rich in glitters and contrasts.
The height of the ceiling has been maximized favoring the feeling of spaciousness. Leaving the original concrete structure visible while it trames the main wooden box of the house.
The result is a flexible and fluid space, where natural light and the richness of textures and contrasts play the leading role.


Architecture: MINIMO Alberto Rubial Alonso y Sergio Sánchez Grande
Collaborators: Blanca Vázquez Sesma
Construction Company: GMT+ Arquitecture & Design
Manufacturers: Sistema 76 PVC: Kömmerling (www.kommerling.es), Serie arquitectos: Cinca (www.cinca.pt), Terrazo 40×40 gris/verde: La Ontanilla (www.terrazoslaontanilla.es)
Client: Private
Presupuesto: Surface: <60m2
Location: Madrid, Spain.
Date: 2019
Photography: Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)


Architects: MINIMO


(+34) 618 948 094
(+34) 680 176 340
Calle Alejandro Saint Aubin, 2
28045 Madrid, SPAIN

MINIMO es un estudio de arquitectura especializado en la optimización del espacio que surge como evolución natural del estudio rubial-sanchez para dar respuesta a una demanda generacional: necesitamos más espacio.

Hacemos arquitectura y colaboramos con despachos de arquitectura técnica, ingeniería y paisajismo.

Alberto Rubial Alonso
Arquitecto por la Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM)
Colegiado COAM 22041

Sergio Sánchez Grande
Arquitecto por la Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM)
Fakulteta za arhitekturo in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Colegiado COAM 21370

Nuestros compañeros:
Carlos Puentes Ramiro
Fernando Pancorbo Lancharro
Iván Pajares Sánchez