Bedroom 1+1
by Estudio Noboo
We were asked to design two bedrooms for teenage twins within a single, open space.
The challenge was to create two atmospheres with a common thread, giving each boy his own space and privacy but without breaking the flow of the original space.
A low wall partitions the two area, housing one of the twin’s beds on one side and his brother’s desk on the other. The partition doesn’t reach the ceiling so as to preserve the feeling of openness.
The two rooms are woven together by a curving red line: a metal rod whose purpose changes along its route: a curtain rail on one side and a string of lights on the other.
Architecture: Noboo Studio
Client: Private
Location: Madrid, Spain
Date: 2021
Photography: Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)
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