Fundación Juan XXIII

Arquitectos: PO2 Arquitectos
Localización: Madrid, SPAIN

Architects: PO2 Arquitectos

+34 915472707
C/ Fomento 6 bajo izquierda
28013, Madrid, SPAIN

Marcos Parga + Idoia Otegui / PO2 architects

PO2 architects was founded in 1999 by Marcos Parga and Idoia Otegui as a way of work that allows them to convert personal ideas into team products, some of which have been awarded in national and international competitions (more than 20 prizes). On the year 2006 they have received the 9th Young Spanish Architects Award from the Antonio Camuñas Foundation, and an Honourable Mention in the XII Galician Architectural Association Award. In 2007 they have been selected by the Wallpaper Magazine Architects Directory as one of the “101 World’s most exciting new architects”. Exhibitions of their work have been shown in several national and international institutions, being selected in the 8th and 10th Biennale d’Architettura di Venezia for the Spanish Pavilion, and covered by the national and international press, television programs, and specialized publications. Since 2005 they make compatible the architectural work with furniture design under their brand FLACOFAVOR.



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