Architects: Arturo Blanco Herrero, Alegría Colón Mur
Team: Juan Carlos Casillas, Silvia Peñalvo, Alfonso Blanco, Sergio Azofra
Survetor: Ángel García García
Avila Spain
Contractor: FUENCO
Is proposed solve a living a space to live and work in a corner opposite the church building.
The vernacular architecture of the environment has solid masonry walls of gray granite and tile roofs without eaves, the roofs perch on the walls at a distance, as untouched. These gaps were the beginning to manage the distances and connections between functions.
A space to work as a solid foundation built with poured concrete, tinted and textured and over this a domestic space, separate but supported, distant and slipped. The domestic space is covered with light limestone topography.
It is managed from the boundary into the street at a right angle and an inner emptiness faceted, facing north, as an extension of the workspace. The heavy matter descends and the light one ascends, building a new reference that dignifies the square.
The domestic and work matter are grouped, stacked and connected.
It investigates how to reuse materials from previous building works that have been unexecuted waiting for better times, with this materials the formwork that shapes the new reinforced concrete are generated. Their turn has come ….
The field work is related to granitic vernacular sockets and becomes technical molding the on site concrete with a formwork that reuses onduline roofing sheets where in addition to their shapes, their origin, texture and even color, is marked in the concrete.
Arturo Blanco y Alegría Colón crean BmasC arquitectos en 1998 con sede en la ciudad de Ávila. Su itinerario se desarrolla en tres ámbitos complementarios: profesión, investigación y docencia en la en la ETSAM de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y en la ESAYT de la Universidad Camilo José Cela de Madrid. Han participado en diferentes concursos de ideas obteniendo más de veinte distinciones y sus obras han recibido diferentes premios como en tres ocasiones el Premio de Arquitectura de Castilla y León (2002, 2006 y 2009), siendo finalistas en otras cuatro convocatorias, Terceros en el IV Premio de Arquitectura ATEG 2004, Finalistas en el III Premio de Arquitectura Enor 2007, en el I Premio de Arquitectura ARQAno 2008 y en el I Premio de Arquitectura Vivir con Madera-FAD 2008 así mismo recibieron el Premio Design Vanguard 2006 por la publicación Architectural Record del American Institute of Architects por su trayectoria profesional. Sus obras han sido recogidas en diferentes libros, monografías y revistas especializadas de Europa, América y Asia, habiendo impartido conferencias en diferentes Universidades y foros profesionales de España y Estados Unidos.
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