+965 22230109
La Oficina 1608, Al Rai Industrial Area,
Block 3, Street 13 P.O. Box 24066,
Safat 13101, KUWAIT
+34 915919226
Apolonio Morales, 13
28036, Madrid, SPAIN
Agi architects
AGi architects is an international design firm providing comprehensive services in Architecture, Planning, Urban Design, Interior Design, Design Research and Consulting. An integration of skills allows the creation of places that provide lasting value for clients through distinctive and imaginative solutions.
AGi architects was established in 2006 by Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea and Nasser B. Abulhasan. Salvador Cejudo started to collaborate with AGi in 2007 and became a design partner in 2009.
AGi architects has introduced exceptional design, management and technical approaches to its projects in the Europe and the Middle East from its offices in the cities of Madrid and Kuwait.
With a multidisciplinary staff of over 30 professionals including architects, planners, landscape architects, interior designers and other specialists, individual members of the design team can be carefully selected to reflect the necessary skills for the scope and scale of the project. Great emphasis is placed on continuity so that work is client driven rather than project centered. Clients work with architects they know and over time, the team is able to develop a thorough understanding of the clients’ business objectives and priorities and is able to make more effective contributions to their projects.
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