by Manuel Ocaña Fast&Furious Production Office

The project is about dividing a large old flat into three luxury apartments as an investment real state operation in Madrid. This would usually mean that creativity is out of the game. «The more originality, the less chance of success in the market», they say.

The clichés that are succeeding in real state business are modified applying some short of Technique intelligence procedures on them. We want to prove that this so-called Aesthetics of Capitalism is not a problem itself for the committed architect. It is all about working the finishing, assembling and, last but not least, the design.

There are two main concepts in all three apartments. The first one is the systematic diagonal distribution, consisting on two rooms with four millimeters thick glass walls, both bathroom and bedroom. The second one is the definition of the main space by convex corners, even those of the kitchen and cabinets attached to the perimeter walls.

We want to prove that architecture can be academically worthy while working with tendentious repertoire. It is only about including some original thinking in it, which allows a common project of vintage figurativism to be a special and committed architecture work.

Technical Info

Manuel Ocaña, Miguel Molins, Yolanda Herránz y Vicente Monroy

Superficie construida/Surface 3×50 m2

Presupuesto/budget: 120M €

Pictures by: Rocío Romero. Imagen Subliminal

Arquitectos: Fast & Furious Office

Manuel Ocaña es arquitecto y profesor de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Escuela Técnica de Arquitectura de Madrid y lo ha sido de varias universidades nacionales e internacionales. Su obra se ha exhibido en varias exposiciones internacionales como en la 14th Bienal de Venecia de Arquitectura (2014) representando a España. Su trabajo ha sido publicado, nacional e internacionalmente, en más de un centenar ocasiones. Destacando prestigiosas revistas como El Croquis, A+U, Volume, Bauwelt, Arquitectura Viva, A10, Metalocus y Diseño Interior- y tiene editada una monografía (eXcepto 18)

Miguel Molins es arquitecto graduado con honores por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, donde ejerce de profesor ayudante de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de Grado y de Master.
Trabaja con Manuel Ocaña desde 2007, con quien se asocia en 2012 y funda en el año 2015 Manuel Ocaña Fast&Furious Production Office