A World of Many Worlds

Design of the Simon Space at Casadecor 2020, Madrid

“In the Anthropocene, Humans are now at war not with Nature, but with […] the
Terrestrials. […] To put it in the style of a geohistorical fiction. Humans living
in the Holocene epoch are in conflict with the Terrestrials of the Anthropocene.
Bruno Latour, Face to Face with the Planet
The 2020 edition of Casa Decor was held this year in an emblematic building designed by the
architect José Espelíus Anduaga, located in the Madrid’s upscale Salamanca neighborhood.
From this early 20th century building, the Simon space will give Casa Decor visitors pause to
reflect on the world to come in the 21st century.
AWOMAWO (A World Of MAny WOrlds) is a meeting place for different worlds. The project is
set up as a space within another space, a place to experience a world of many worlds, a cosmos
that can be transformed through light…
Upon arrival at AWOMAWO, the visitor is welcomed by the first zone, an orderly passage of
well-defined geometries: this is the space where humans live. Enveloping this first space are a
number of diverse, living and changing ecosystems: this space is the one that encompasses the
rest of the Terrestrials. A light, continuous boundary connects and separates each zone,
configuring a succession of enveloping environments: the plane of interaction between the two,
a cosmopolitical front where Humans and Terrestrials must face their desires, interests, and
The Simon space for Casa Decor 2020 has been designed by the elii architecture office together
with the artist María Jerez. The team devised an interior landscape of light, plants, minerals,
and everyday objects: a vibrantly colorful multiverse that creates ambiguous relationships
between entities, ephemeral compositions of diffuse materialities, ghostly images of mixed
bodies, of multiplied and crossed gazes… that place the spectator in an ambiguous position
blurs the line between who is the subject and who is the object.
In times like now in which we live in a new climate regime, AWOMAWO offers visitors a place
to experience and reflect on the problematic place that humans take on the planet and their
responsibilities. As part of its commitment to the theme of this year’s Casa Decor, the materials
used to stage the Simon space will be recycled after the exhibition. The plants will be donated
and replanted. All the wood used will be recycled. The Tarkett flooring will be reclaimed by the
manufacturer for treatment in a recycling program. And finally, the lamps will be taken down
and stored by Simon for future events. The space will thus be given a new life.

elii – Uriel Fogué + Eva Gil + Carlos Palacios

Art work and landscape design
María Jerez

Architect coordinating the team
elii – Ana López

elii – Lucía Fernández, Raquel García, Marta Vaquero

Many thanks
Juan Ruíz Rivas – Art pieces

Light programming
David Herranz – Dasoingenieros

elii. Characters inspired in Moebius (Jean Giraud)


Aniceto Jiménez

Alfredo Merino Caldas

Collaborating companies
Simon – Lighting
Juan Ruíz Rivas – Art pieces
Tarkett – Pavement
Valentine – Paint
Samsung – Tablets
Colorker / ZYX – Ceramic pieces.

ImagenSubliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)

ImagenSubliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)

Lemon Lime by Brevyn

CasaDecor 2020, C/ Velázquez 21, Madrid

Architects: elii

+34 911157658
c/ Maestro Arbós 3
28045 Madrid, SPAIN

elii carries out its professional activity in the following fields: Infrastructures, Urban Development, Public Spaces, Individual and Collective housing, Offices and Work Centres, Industrial Buildings, Ephemeral Architecture and Design of Museum Exhibitions and collaboration with artists. Elii covers all stages of the project, from the design phase to project management, working both in the public and private sectors, in Spain and Abroad. Founded in 2006 and based in the centre of Madrid, its founding partners and current directors are the architects Uriel Fogué Herreros, Eva Gil Lopesino and Carlos Palacios Rodriguez, all of whom have previously worked in architectural firms of international renown. They currently combine their work at elii with teaching (in several Spanish universities of international renown) and editorial work (UHF magazine). Their work and articles have appeared in specialized publications and exhibitions, having obtained recognition and awards for outstanding performance, amongst which are the FAD Opinion Award (2005), or the awards received from the Official College of Architects of Madrid “a la Obra Bien Hecha”(2006), “a la Obra de los Arquitectos” (2011), and “COAM Award” (2013) or the JustMad Award to Emergent Creativity (2013). They have been amongst those selected to appear in the “Arquia Próxima” catalogue (also issued by the Official College of Architects of Madrid) in its 2006-207, 2008-2009, 2010-2011 issues, having been recognized in this last one as one of the 10 most relevant teams of young architects in the region. They have also taken part in the “Madrid 100% Arquitectura II” (2011), catalogue and Itinerant International Exhibition, where one of their works was considered one of the top 100 by the Official College of Architects of Madrid. They were also similarly distinguished in the XII Buenos Aires International Biennial Architecture Exhibition (2011), recently selected as one of the “100 architects of the year 2012” in the exhibition for the KIA Korean Institute of Architects and the UIA International Union of Architects in Seoul (2012) and as a part of the exhibition FreshLatino 2 (2013). Elii is a member of the “Creadores de Madrid” and “FreshMadrid” archives.