Farzin Farzin


Farzin Farzin
Farzin Lotfi-Jam


Farzin Farzin investigates the means by which objects, sites and systems acquire cultural value and examines the representation of value in architectural form. In what unexpected ways might architecture engage questions of history, preservation, and political contingency? Can a method of intervention in these matters be learned from the hairy logic of computational processes?  The studio addresses these questions through the design of spaces, software, and media.
Farzin Farzin was founded in 2008 by Farzin Lotfi-Jam. Lotfi-Jam (b. 1984, Tehran) is an adjunct professor in architecture at Columbia University, and holds advanced degrees from Columbia University and RMIT University in Melbourne Australia. He is a 2015-2017 Fellow of the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart and was a 2013-2014 Sanders Fellow at the University of Michigan.

Proyectos de Farzin Farzin en imagensubliminal